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Day 1 – where is our school?

Where is our village, town, city? Learning objective: To gain knowledge and understanding of placemaking through exploring the school grounds and surrounding local area Outcome: Pupils complete fieldwork, map reading, site analysis and record their observations before responding to a design brief Curriculum links: Geography, English, Maths, Art, Design and Technology, Citizenship, Cultural Capital

Where is our village, town, city? Learning objective: To gain knowledge and understanding of placemaking through exploring the school grounds and surrounding local area Outcome: Pupils complete fieldwork, map reading, site analysis and record their observations before responding to a design brief Curriculum links: Geography, English, Maths, Art, Design and Technology, Citizenship, Cultural Capital

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Day 3 – How can we design for our local area?

How can we design buildings, spaces and structures? Learning objective: To use the design, make, evaluate process and a range of materials creatively, (drawing, sketching, model-making) to communicate designs for the local area. To gain knowledge and understanding of placemaking, architecture, landscape architecture, architectural styles and urban design Outcome: Pupils design and make a 3D […]

How can we design buildings, spaces and structures? Learning objective: To use the design, make, evaluate process and a range of materials creatively, (drawing, sketching, model-making) to communicate designs for the local area. To gain knowledge and understanding of placemaking, architecture, landscape architecture, architectural styles and urban design Outcome: Pupils design and make a 3D […]

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